Swype for Loyalty Cards
Build loyalty with your customers
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Please enter your e-mail address and password below, or click 'Create an account' if you don't already have an account setup.
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Please enter your e-mail address below, and click 'Send Password Reset'.
We will e-mail you a link to reset your password.
E-Mail Address
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Create a
Portal Account
Company Name
E-Mail Address
Telephone Number
Confirm Password
Are you a trade/reseller customer?
Please let us know how you plan to use your account so we can best serve you -
We can offer enhanced trade terms, credit facilities, and additional features for customers placing large or frequent orders.
These cards are for myself or my company
I'm a trade customer or reseller - I'll be reselling these cards
Register Account
Please enter your details below to register for an account. If you are an existing customer, please contact your Account Manager who will be able to give you access to the portal.
Company Name
E-Mail Address
Telephone Number
Confirm Password