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Membership Cards

Boosting sales?

Enhancing customer experience?

Understanding more about the behaviours of your members?

Bespoke membership cards are a great way to achieve this and more. Your members want to feel like more than just a number and a personalised membership card is a prime way to showcase this.

Popular amongst all sectors from hospitality to retail, sports to travel. For any ambitious business, you should have membership cards. It doesn’t just benefit your club or brand, it brings your members a sense of exclusivity and belonging, while offering special benefits associated with your card that can help you attract and retain customers.


It can be adapted with various software for swipe entry systems and include a number of additional features to the needs of a business such as QR codes, barcodes, magnetic stripes etc. Not forgetting, they can be as unique as you like, with shapes, sizes and styles suited to your brand. 


Here’s how they could help make a big difference to you and your members;

Improved Experience - with members being able to access your clubs easily and seamlessly

Track Member Usage - helping you to target them with loyalty offers and other promotions

Promote Upselling - by identifying behaviours as well as the option to integrate this into your seasonal campaigns


Handing over a membership card is like handing over a piece of your brand. It needs to look good, feel right and also justify why the customer is receiving it. Through our purpose built designer, you can create your personalised membership card with a variety of templates. Or maybe you’ve already got your artwork ready to go which can be quickly uploaded, approved and order in minutes.

Start creating your cards now.


Instant Quote & Order
Product Type
Card Finish
Additional Options
You can choose to embed a RFID chip. We support most common RFID and NFC chips, and can also encode data of your choice.
Metallic Base
Metallic Base
Choose a metallic coated base for the card instead of standard white. Please be aware when including images that they will look different when printed on metallics.
Signature Panel
Signature Panel
We can attach a signature panel to your card - this is a coating that can be written on with pen.
Metallic Foil
Metallic Foil
We can thermally print or hot stamp a metallic foil on the surface of your card.
Scratch Panel
Scratch Panel
Scratch panels allow for sensitive information such as PINs to be hidden until the panel has been scratched off.
Magnetic Stripe
Magnetic Stripe
You can choose to include a magnetic stripe in a standard position for swipe card readers. We can also encode data of your choice to your magnetic stripe.
Hole / Slot / Notch
Hole / Slot / Notch
You can choose to have holes, slots, or notches cut out of your cards. This can be useful for hotel cards or attaching to lanyards, for example.
Emboss a number or text in the surface of your card, like commonly found on credit cards. As this punches through the surface of the card, you cannot have embossing with some other options such as RFID chips.
Our anti-microbial card is tested and proven to be 99.94% resistant to a number of deadly bacteria.